; Coastal Projects - Yanchep - Yanchep Coastal Management - City of Wanneroo

Variation to Prohibited Burning Period - Extended 1 April - 14 April 2025

Due to seasonal conditions, the City of Wanneroo has extended its Prohibited Burning Period until 14 April 2025 inclusive. No Permits to burn will be issued prior to this date.


Coastal Projects - Yanchep - Yanchep Coastal Management

Project description

The City of Wanneroo Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP), which was completed in 2018, identified a number of sites vulnerable to coastal erosion along the Yanchep coastline. This study recommended that a detailed options assessment is conducted for the management of coastal vulnerability at Yanchep. Additionally, since 2018 excessive winter storm erosion has resulted in the need for ongoing beach renourishment at the Yanchep Lagoon to maintain beach access, minimise loss of dune and improve beach functionality/amenity.

Recent coastal erosion issues and CHRMAP recommendations form the basis behind the Yanchep Coastal Management Project which aims to address the current and future coastal erosion and beach access issues along the Yanchep coastline through the implementation of coastal management measures. These coastal management measures will be identified through the completion of a detailed coastal engineering consultancy study consisting of a coastal processes assessment, coastal management options assessment, extensive community consultation and detailed design. The City has engaged coastal engineering consultants Stantec to complete this study.

Local metocean data was collected to inform the study across the 2022 winter period and 2022/23 summer period. This data, coupled with formal coastal monitoring data from 2018 onwards, will be analysed as part of the coastal processes assessment.

Completion of this project will assist with the management of ongoing coastal erosion issues along the Yanchep coastline and will lead to the protection of coastal infrastructure, minimise the loss of dune environment, enable ongoing safe beach access for beach users and surf life saving activities and improve the functionality and amenity of some of the City's most popular beaches.

Expected completion June 2027

Coastal Processes Assessment


Central-West Ward

Suburb Yanchep
Further information and project updates
Completed Stages

Metocean Data Collection

Upcoming Stages
  • Coastal Management Options and Beach Access Assessment
  • Consultation with Community and Traditional Owners
  • Detailed Design
  • Construction

Phone: 9405 5000
Email: enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: 7 April 2022