; Sunday trading trial widened across City facilities - City of Wanneroo

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Sunday trading trial widened across City facilities

Published Wednesday, 13th March 2019

Avid readers will welcome the news that City of Wanneroo has expanded a trial of Sunday trading hours across a number of local facilities.

An exterior shot of the Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre.

At a recent meeting, the Wanneroo Council endorsed an extension of the trial of Sunday opening hours from 11am-3pm at the Wanneroo Library, which initially began in October last year.

In response to positive community feedback, the Sunday trading trial will also expand to include the City’s Clarkson Library and the Wanneroo Regional Museum from 1 July 2019.

With Sunday trading at the Wanneroo Library proving very popular with local booklovers, City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts welcomed the decision to expand the trial to Clarkson Library and the Wanneroo Regional Museum.

“Extending the opening hours at the Museum and Clarkson Library will provide more people with the opportunity to access the many free services that are available, including the connected computer facilities, access to library resources and use of the popular children’s areas,” Mayor Roberts said.

“Extended hours at the WLCC Museum will offer increased convenience for local residents interested in history and encourage new visitors to discover what’s happening in their neighbourhood.”

Girrawheen Library’s Tuesday evening opening hours were altered to align with the Yanchep Two Rocks Library, from an 8pm closure to a 5.30pm closure, and extended Saturday opening hours from 12pm to 1pm.

The Wanneroo Regional Museum's Thursday opening hours were altered also, from a 5pm closure to a 4pm closure.

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