Proposed Differential Rates for 2020-2021
Published Thursday, 21st May 2020
The City of Wanneroo's proposed Differential Rates for 2020-2021 are now available for public comment.

In April 2020, Council committed to developing a budget based on 0% increase on annual rates for each residential property subject to no change in valuations.
Whilst the proposed rate in the dollar has increased, the rates income generated is consistent with a 0% increase.
The proposed rate in the dollar, if adopted by council would mean:
- the majority of ratepayers (58%) receive a reduction in rates charges compared to last year,
- 8% of ratepayers would pay the same as last year,
- 31% would see an increase of no more than $150.
- The remaining portion of ratepayers (less than 3%) would see an increase greater than $150 mainly due to higher valuations.
This would result in a rates revenue equal the same amount, or less, than what was collected last year.
This is based on the revaluation process and not Council seeking to raise additional income from rates.
It is expected that Council will be making the 20/21 Budget final at the end of June and residents are welcome to join the next council meeting.
Your submissions
Submissions in respect of the proposed Differential Rates below and any related matters are invited from Electors or Ratepayers.
Views can be submitted by either emailing or by mail to the Chief Executive Officer at City of Wanneroo, Locked Bag 1, Wanneroo WA 6946.
Comments must be received before 4pm on Thursday 18 June 2020.
Proposed Differential Rates for 2020-2021
In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the City of Wanneroo hereby gives notice of its intention to adopt the following rates in the dollar for each differential rating category in the 2020-2021 Financial Year.
RATE CATEGORY | MINIMUM RATE | GRV Rate in $ | UV Rate in $ |
Residential Improved With lesser minimum for Strata Titled Caravan Parks |
$988 $144 |
7.6953 | 0.3850 |
Residential Vacant | $970 | 13.4160 | 0.5622 |
Commercial/Industrial Improved With a lesser minimum for Strata Titled Storage Units |
$1,344 $672 |
7.7080 | 0.2833 |
Commercial/Industrial Vacant | $1,344 | 7.1860 | 0.3283 |
Rural & Mining Improved | $980 | - | 0.3762 |
Rural & Mining Vacant | $928 | - | 0.4991 |
Information relating to the Objectives and Reasons for each proposed Differential Rate is available by clicking below:
Objects and Reasons for 2020/21 Proposed Differential Rates
This information is also available at the City of Wanneroo Civic Centre, Dundebar Road, Wanneroo, between the hours of 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Mr Daniel Simms - Chief Executive Officer
Further information
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