City of Wanneroo hosts the state’s largest citizenship ceremony
Published Monday, 29th January 2018
The City of Wanneroo has welcomed 600 residents from 44 different countries, at WA’s largest Australia Day citizenship ceremony.

City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts presided over the event attended by The Honourable Mark McGowan, Premier of Western Australia.
“The City of Wanneroo is Western Australia’s largest growing City, expanding at a rate of 20 new residents each day,” Mayor Roberts said.
“We are a diverse community, representing cultures from all corners of the world,” she said.
“As you become Australian citizens today, it symbolises your sense of belonging to the country you have decided to make your home.
“Australian citizenship represents commitment to Australia and its people, the values we share and our future.”
This year’s event featured special guest speaker Rishelle Hume, a highly respected Noongar leader who received the 2016 Western Australian Aboriginal Person of the Year Award for promoting Aboriginal Rights and Noongar culture.
Prior to the ceremony, guests were treated to a delicious breakfast barbeque, prepared and cooked up by the fabulous Wanneroo Scout Group.
Winners of the Australia Day Awards were also announced by Mayor Tracey Roberts.
The awards recognise City of Wanneroo residents who have made outstanding contributions to their local community and this year marked a new award to specifically recognise an outstanding senior resident.
Charles Searson Australia Day Youth Award
A person under the age of 25 who has made an outstanding contribution to the local community
Struan has been an active firefighter for the past five years since joining the Wanneroo Central Bush Fire Brigade at the age of 16. Struan has enthusiastically fulfilled all standard brigade requirements as well as extra brigade duties, often taking unpaid leave from work in order to go on first response fire duty.
Struan has assisted in various brigade specialty areas, including community liaison this role, which has seen him engage with hundreds of school children, teaching them about home fire safety, bush fires and emergency situations. In each of his roles with the brigade, Struan has enhanced the efficient operation of the brigade and increased the community’s awareness of fire safety. In 2016 Struan received the Department of Fire and Emergency Services Youth Achievement Award for excelling in his service to the community.
Australia Day Individual Award
A person over the age of 25 who has made an outstanding contribution to the local community
Derek Young has a long history as a community volunteer having served as both a scout leader and volunteer firefighter for many years.
Originally from South Africa, Derek first became a scout leader in Johannesburg in 1987. When he and his wife immigrated to Australia in 1999 Derek was recruited as a scout leader in Scarborough and later, North Beach. They moved to Two Rocks in 2011 and Derek soon began planning the establishment of a local scout group.
In February 2016 this vision was realised when the Two Rocks Yanchep Emergency Scouts (TRYES) opened. As scout leader, Derek has had a significant and positive impact on the lives of around 60 children, teaching them a range of skills and the importance of being productive community members. Derek’s vision is for the group to provide a source of new volunteers for local fire brigades. In addition to his work with scouts, Derek is a volunteer firefighter. He joined the Two Rocks Volunteer Bushfire Brigade in 2012 and was appointed Captain in 2016. On average, Derek gives 25 hours each week to Two Rocks Volunteer Bushfire Brigade and 25 hours to the Two Rocks Yanchep Emergency Scouts, all whilst working full-time.
It is clear that the entire community benefits from Derek’s minimal sleep requirements!
Australia Day Senior Award
An individual over 65 who has made outstanding contributions and/or has made a longstanding commitment to the local community
Rod Green’s community contributions are many, with his influence spanning local sporting clubs and businesses.
Rod moved to the City of Wanneroo in 1987 opening his business, Greene’s Tyre & Brakes the following year. During the 1990s, Rod was a founding member of the Wanneroo Business Association (WBA), a group designed to help and support small business in the Wanneroo area. In his first year on the WBA committee Rod was instrumental in raising funds through the small businesses to provide a pastor at the Wanneroo Senior High School.
Rod has strong links to local sporting clubs, having been President of the Wanneroo Senior Cricket Club and Chairman of the Wanneroo Cricket and Football Clubs (both Junior and Senior). To this day, Rod continues to troubleshoot for the clubs whenever problems arise. As a leader and a sponsor, Rod has been instrumental in keeping both the Wanneroo Cricket and Football Club membership very active in the Wanneroo area. In addition, Rod personally, and through his business, has sponsored many other Wanneroo clubs, including the Wanneroo BMX Club, Wanneroo Junior Motorcross Club and the Wanneroo Agricultural Society.
City of Wanneroo Australia Day Community Group Award
An outstanding local community group or event
The Wanneroo and Districts Historical Society Committee worked hard for 18 months in planning and organising the 2017 State History Conference of Affiliated Historical Societies held in Wanneroo over three days in September 2017. This involved many hours of organising inspiring local speakers and planning tours of historical places in Wanneroo including the Wanneroo Showground, Rotary Park, Buckingham House, Trandos Farms, Paul Conti Wines, the Wanneroo War Memorial and Cockman House. This event promotes the history and heritage of Wanneroo to delegates and
visitors from throughout WA.
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