Wanneroo City Centre premises available for businesses
Published Tuesday, 23rd January 2018
The City of Wanneroo is seeking expressions of interest from organisations wishing to secure one of three available premises in the heart of Wanneroo.

The opportunity is open to government organisations or similar complementary agencies (preferred), as well as businesses ranging from food vendors, health stores, beauticians, children’s centres, gift shops and more.
Deputy Mayor Nat Sangalli said the nearby Wanneroo Central shopping centre, which is being extended to accommodate a new Aldi and other speciality stores, is due to open in June.
“This will complement the GP Superclinic, regional library and arts centre and will add further to the vibrancy and vitality of the centre”, Deputy Mayor Sangalli said.
“The City is currently reviewing the Wanneroo Town Centre Structure Plan, which will consider the range of permissible land uses, providing opportunities for job creation and the provision of a new main street design with activated street frontages,” she said.
“There is a lot of momentum building in Wanneroo Town Centre and the revitalisation will mean access to a growing number of consumers.”
New civic centre tenants will be available to fit out the space to suit their individual business requirements and all three lease areas will be available for up to three years from 1 July 2018.'
The first space is located on the south-east corner of the Wanneroo Civic Centre with direct frontage and secure access to Dundebar Road. There is a leasable area of 138m2, currently comprising an open plan office area (108m2) and fully self-contained amenities including kitchen and ablutions (30m2).
The second and third spaces are on the ground floor of the new Civic Centre extension with a combined floor space of approximately 1,630m2. One space has a floor area of 664m2. The other has a leasable area of 966m2 comprising 917m2 floor space and 49m2 of balcony area. Separated by a central foyer/lobby/ablutions, the second and third spaces are available for separate or combined occupancy. External secured access to the common area is via Cafaggio Crescent.
Initial expressions of interest close at 4pm on Tuesday 30 January 2018.
To express an interest and find out more about this exciting opportunity, email: heather.atkinson@wanneroo.wa.gov.au or write to Heather Atkinson, City of Wanneroo, Locked Bag 1, Wanneroo WA 6946.
Interested parties will receive an information pack and have three months to submit their application.
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