Midge treatment – Lake Goollelal
Published Tuesday, 16th January 2018
Treatment will be carried out at Lake Goollelal on Wednesday and Thursday (17 and 18 January 2018), weather permitting.

In late 2017, midge larvae numbers were the lowest in seven years. However monitoring in recent weeks has detected an increase in midge larvae levels, and specific areas of the lake require treatment.
For the first time a drone – or pilotless helicopter – will be used to carry out the treatment, making it more precise and cost efficient.
The active ingredient in the treatment is S-Methoprene, which prevents the larvae from developing into adult midge. It is not known to be harmful to humans and will not produce dust as it is delivered in pellet form.
The Midge Steering Group comprises officers from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, City of Joondalup and City of Wanneroo.
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