Beach driving blitz to continue
Published Wednesday, 13th December 2017
The City of Wanneroo’s blitz against driving on beaches will be stepped up over summer to help protect families enjoying our coastline.

The campaign was launched following several near miss incidents and will see additional staff on patrol, drones and an increased penalty of $500 for infringements.
During the last summer school holidays an average of a vehicle a day was booked despite a decade-old ban on vehicle access.
At the same time City Rangers trialled drones to expand search areas and avoid dangerous pursuits of errant drivers.
The tough measures are also to protect the environment of the foreshore and dune systems which are susceptible to erosion.
The crackdown will be widely publicised via Variable Message Signs (VMS) on Marmion Avenue, the City’s website, social media and local press.
The City’s Director Community and Place, Debbie Terelinck said vehicle access to beaches in greater metropolitan Perth – from Mandurah to Two Rocks – has not been allowed for between 10 and 20 years.
“Cars and bikes are totally incompatible with families using the beach for recreational activities such as picnics, walks and swimming,” she said.
“Our primary concern will always be for the safety and protection of beach users. We will maintain a zero tolerance approach.”
Vehicles are still allowed on beaches by many country councils, but often not near built up locations.
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