Disability Awareness Week in Wanneroo
Published Tuesday, 21st November 2017
The City of Wanneroo will recognise Disability Awareness Week through a special story sharing session at the Wanneroo Library on Tuesday, 5 December.

Hear from several people including locals who live with a disability, in an engaging event where our books ‘come to life’.
Our ‘Human Books’ will share their experiences, with participants able to hear several stories and conversations during the session.
The City is working with the Human Library Organisation in order to help the wider community understand the challenges and triumphs of those that live with a disability.
Launched in Denmark 17 years ago, the Human Library Project gives ‘readers’ the chance to connect with people and stories in order to break down stereotypes and create better understanding in the community.
The project is an international success and has held more than 600 events in more than 80 countries.
To be part of this great project, book your spot at https://livingbooksdaw.eventbrite.com.au. Entry is free.
Light snacks and tea and coffee will be provided.
Event Details:
Tuesday 5 December 2017
10am – 12 noon
Wanneroo Library
3 Rocca Way Wanneroo
For any enquires call the Healthy and Inclusive Communities team on 9405 5000.
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