Expression of Interest for development & tenancy of vacant sites.
Published Wednesday, 22nd November 2017
The City is seeking Expressions of Interest from community groups and not-for-profit organisations interested in developing and occupying all or part of community purpose sites.

The City of Wanneroo is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from community groups and not-for-profit organisations interested in developing and occupying all or part of either of the following community purpose sites under a land lease agreement.
76 Ashley Road, Tapping (Lot 1, DP 69528) is a freehold site, with an area of 5,000m2 bounded by Ashley Park (a conservation reserve) to the west and south, and strata units to the immediate east. The site is also opposite the Jimbub reserve.
15 The Broadview, Landsdale is located on Crown Reserve 47559 (Lot 990, DP 39373), under a management order for Community Purposes with the power to lease for a maximum of 21 years. The site comprises an area of 5,000m2, situated adjacent to Broadview Park, a medical centre and a small shopping centre.
For each property,
- The rent will be negotiated under a private treaty arrangement in accordance with section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 and the City’s Leasing Policy (available on the City’s website under Policies); and
- Lease terms are negotiable but are anticipated to be for a minimum of 10 years, inclusive of options.
Initial Stage 1 applicants are to register their interest with Heather Atkinson via email to or via mail, Locked Bag 1, Wanneroo WA 6946.
Initial Stage 1 EOI registrations close at 4.00pm, Friday 8 December 2017.
Applicants will receive a Stage 2 EOI information pack during December 2017, which will include details of the application procedure and relevant selection criteria to be addressed.
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