City wins funding for Wanjoo Festival
Published Wednesday, 4th October 2017
The City of Wanneroo has been awarded $19,500 towards its first ever Wanjoo Festival, to be held in Yanchep National Park in 2018.

The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - Building Better Regions Fund, which supports the Australian Government’s commitment to building stronger regional communities, awarded the grant.
“The City is excited to have won funding to allow us to go ahead with the festival, celebrating the diversity within our community,” Mayor Tracey Roberts said.
“The City holds outstanding events and no doubt the Wanjoo Festival will be a highlight on the City’s 2018 events calendar.”
The Wanjoo Festival will celebrate the culture and local businesses of the Noongar people living in the south west of Western Australia. ‘Wanjoo’ means ‘Welcome’ in the Noongar language, and the festival is set to be the first of its kind in the Perth metro region.
The Wanjoo Festival will showcase music, dance, theatre, movies, visual arts, bush tucker, ceremonies, storytelling, workshops, local Indigenous businesses and more.
The festival is consistent with the City’s Strategic Community Plan, which shows commitment to connect communities through engagement and involvement, while also building strong communities through cultural and heritage diversity.
The funds will be put towards providing infrastructure, artists and staffing for the event.
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