Volunteers recognised for outstanding service to community
Published Tuesday, 26th September 2017
Volunteers from the City of Wanneroo heritage and library services have been acknowledged with an appreciation dinner celebrating their hard work.

Mayor Tracey Roberts said it was important to take time out to thank these dedicated community members, and show gratitude for their commitment.
“The City would not be the welcoming and friendly place it is without the efforts of our invaluable volunteers,” Mayor Roberts said.
“We are proud and humbled by the continued commitment our volunteers provide to our residents, and events like these give us a chance to acknowledge their outstanding service,” she said.
“On behalf of our residents, I would like to extend a very big thank you to each volunteer who gives their time so selflessly, making a lasting difference to our community.”
The City has nearly more than 500 active volunteers, including the 77 volunteers in heritage and libraries.
At Friday's function, held at Bridgeleigh Reception Centre, volunteers from Buckingham House, Cockman House, the Cockman House vegetable garden, the Community History Museum, Library Books on Wheels and The Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre and Gallery were acknowledged.
The following volunteers were awarded with the City's Volunteer Excellence Award for their invaluable assistance:
Bev Bingham – Cockman House Guide
Pam Wells – Buckingham House
David Payne – Libraries – Book on Wheels
George Belin – Girrawheen Library, English Conversation Group
Wilke Clyde - Girrawheen Library, English Conversation Group
Peter Meldrum – Clarkson Library, English Conversation Group
Tracey Graham – Community History
Christiane Rhodes – Gallery
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