City of Wanneroo applies for Black Spot funding
Published Wednesday, 20th September 2017
Road safety will be improved in 14 locations around the City if the City of Wanneroo is successful in getting Black Spot funding.

The funding has been applied for under the 2018/2019 Federal and State Government Black Spot Programs.
Main Roads WA provided the City access to the Crash Analysis Reporting System and the crash data between 2012 and 2016, to assist with location selection.
The locations selected include improvements of intersections, roads and roadsides, and footpaths.
If approved, the works will cost a total of $5.58 million.
Projects approved under Federal Black Spot Program will receive 100% funding and for the State Black Spot Program, two thirds will be funded by the State Government and the remaining third funded by the City of Wanneroo.
The applications are to be considered by the Metropolitan Regional Road Group. The Minister for Transport will announce the approved projects in May 2018.
Any of the projects that are not given funding will continue to be monitored and considered as part of the City’s draft Long Term Capital Works Program and annual budget processes.
The full list of nominated projects are:
Suburb | Address |
Alexander Heights | Marangaroo Drive |
Butler | Kingsbridge Blvd/Camborne Pkwy/Shelford Blvd intersection |
Girrawheen | Templeton Cres between Liddell St and Marangaroo Dr |
Gnangara | Gnangara Rd and Alexander Dr intersection |
Koondoola | Beach Rd / Alexander Dr intersection |
Madeley | Between Sovrano Ave / Bellerive Blvd and Hartman Dr |
Madeley / Woodvale | Wanneroo Rd between Ocean Reef Rd and Hepburn Ave |
Merriwa | Marmion Ave / Hester Ave / Anchorage Dr intersection |
Nowergup | Wesco Rd |
Two Rocks | Breakwater Dr |
Wangara | Prindiville Dr between Wanneroo Rd and Hartman Dr |
Wangara | Ocean Reef Rd / Hartman Dr / Lenore Rd intersection |
Wanneroo | Wanneroo Rd between Conlan Ave / Hasting St and Elliot Rd |
Wanneroo | Wanneroo Rd between Elliot Rd and Ocean Reef Rd |
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