City assists Speedway Motorcycle Club with funding application
Published Tuesday, 19th September 2017
The City of Wanneroo Council has voted to support Speedway Motorcycle Club’s application for State Government Community Sporting and Recreational Facilities Fund (CSRFF) grant money.

Speedway has requested the funding for the installation of first aid and toilet facilities on its site in Neerabup.
The planned additions to the site, along with the recently completed safety upgrades to track fencing, would mean Speedway becomes eligible for track licensing with Motorcycling WA.
The total project works are to include water bore and tanks, a toilet and first aid block, and electrical services. The project is expected to cost $126,742, including the CSRFF grant of almost $42,000.
Remaining funds will come from Speedway, volunteer labour and donated materials. The City does not anticipate funding any of the improvements.
One of the requirements of CSRFF funding is that applicants must match the money with their own contributions, whether that is cash, donated materials or volunteer labour.
The CSRFF is made available through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, at a total cost of $12 million a year towards various sport and recreation projects.
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