Nominations invited - Community reference groups for Wanneroo projects
Published Monday, 7th August 2017
Community reference groups for Wanneroo Road widening and Wanneroo Road/Joondalup Drive interchange projects.

The Metropolitan Road Improvement Alliance, on behalf of Main Roads WA, is delivering two projects in Perth’s northern suburbs as part of a $2.3 billion package of road and rail infrastructure projects funded by the Commonwealth and State Governments:
- Design and construction for Wanneroo Road Widening, Joondalup Drive to Flynn Drive, which will see this 3.2km section of Wanneroo Road upgraded from one to two lanes in each direction to alleviate current congestion and enhance road safety. Construction is scheduled to begin later this year.
- Planning and development for the Wanneroo Road / Joondalup Drive Interchange, which will include a grade separation with Joondalup Drive going over Wanneroo Road with two lanes in each direction. This development work will enable a contract for design and construction to be awarded in mid-2018.
The project update newsletter below provides the latest news about the projects.
Wanneroo projects update newsletter
Community reference groups – Nominations now invited
Stakeholder and community engagement is important to project governance and we are establishing community reference groups for each project. Each group will have a different role, duration and meeting frequency to reflect the status of each project and the opportunity for community involvement.
The information sheet below provides further detail about each group.
Anchorage Drive, Mindarie - Traffic Treatment - Example Photo
We are inviting expressions of interest from project stakeholders and local community organisations, groups and individuals to join one or both groups. To nominate for membership, email: by Monday 14 August 2017 and include:
- the name of the project/s and community reference group/s
- the name and contact details of the person being nominated, the organisation/group represented (if any)
- the reason you would like to be appointed to the group.
We will contact you shortly after the nomination period closes to confirm the outcome of your application.
More articles in the news archive.