SMS floodlight controls produce savings
Published Tuesday, 1st August 2017
Mobile phone technology has led to saving power and money for the City of Wanneroo.

Six sports fields across the City are now using the new SMS floodlight control system after a successful trial at the Wanneroo Showgrounds.
The new system allows clubs to control the lights via SMS at pre-determined times, and therefore only use the lights when required.
A step further has been taken at Gumblossom Park at Quinns Rocks, where lighting on individual pitches can be controlled by SMS.
Mayor Tracey Roberts said traditionally the floodlights at sports fields were controlled with switches at set-times each week, and often lights would be on when no user groups were using the fields.
“The system has only been in use at the new sites for just over one month, but already we can see savings in power usage,” Mayor Roberts said.
“It is so pleasing that we can reduce the carbon footprint by using this simple SMS technology.”
As well as Wanneroo Showgrounds and Gumblossom Park, the new system is in place at Riverlinks Park in Clarkson, Houghton Park in Carramar, Ridgewood Park in Merriwa and Kingsbridge Park in Butler.
Additional sites to receive the new technology this financial year include Lake Joondalup Park, Wanneroo; Warradale Park, Landsdale; Oldham Park, Yanchep; Hudson Park, Girrawheen and Shelvock, Park, Koondoola.
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