City of Wanneroo Curtin Ignition 2017 scholarship winners announced
Published Monday, 31st July 2017
Two City of Wanneroo residents have been awarded scholarships to help get their business ideas up and running, under the guidance of the Curtin University Ignition program.

The scholarships have been created for new and start-up businesses, and under the program they will be given the skills, networks and inspiration they need to grow their product and service ideas.
City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the initiative was a wonderful opportunity to see passionate entrepreneurs get the backing and assistance they needed to grow profitable businesses.
“The City recognises the importance of local businesses within our community. Through the scholarships we look forward to seeing these ideas become successful products and services for use in our City, throughout Perth and perhaps even overseas,” Mayor Roberts said.
The City of Wanneroo provided two scholarships to the program, as part of its plans to grow entrepreneurial activity within the northern corridor. The winners are Van Truong from Gnangara, and Ainsley Brett-Matthewson from Butler.
Van, a second generation strawberry grower, said she wants to tap into the Australian agriculture market by developing an export platform to help growers sell their produce overseas.
Van plans to create a digital service to assist farmers in marketing their produce and growing their distribution, opening more doors for exportation.
“A lot of farmers don’t have the time or resources to research exporting options, and I hope to help them with that,” Van said.
“(Through the scholarship) I want to network with people who are creative and who don’t simply have ideas – but who know how to implement those ideas. I think the mentorship will be great with this and help me to grow as an entrepreneur,” she added.
Ainsley was inspired to find a solution to allow her autistic daughter to swim when menstruating.
Unable to use tampons, Ainsley’s daughter could not get into the water at times, and this motivated Ainsley to develop an innovative swimming costume to help her daughter and others, who do not want to or cannot wear tampons, swim whenever they want.
“When I was researching the idea I couldn’t really believe something hasn’t already been invented for special needs girls,” Ainsley said.
“I’m hoping to pick the business brains (in the program) and get some help on driving my idea forward. I have a global outlook and I’m already working on a prototype.”'
Under the scholarship, the two winners receive a:
- Fully funded place in the Curtin Ignition Program
- Six month membership to the Wanneroo Business Association
- Access to local business support services.
The Curtin University Ignition Program will run between 13 and 18 August and educate aspiring entrepreneurs, academics and corporate in
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