New hub to engage Girrawheen community
Published Monday, 1st May 2017
Creating a brighter future for Girrawheen residents is the key focus of an innovative project to give job seekers access to new skills and support.

Mayor Tracey Roberts said the City of Wanneroo is currently refurbishing a former employment services centre near the Girrawheen Library on Patrick Court and is planning to revitalise it as a community hub.
“The activation of this centre is designed to increase employment levels and support the needs of the area’s culturally diverse population,” Mayor Roberts said.
“The aim of the hub is to work with other organisations to help job seekers learn skills that will help them get work and support those wanting a change of career or to start a new business,” she said.
“Nearby Girrawheen Library already has a distinct focus on job readiness by offering free services and workshops and the new hub will expand on this, adding to the sense of place in the precinct.
“As our population grows, so does the demand for jobs, and we are committed to ensuring the hub builds on the community’s strengths whilst giving them a sense of belonging.
“There is also an exciting opportunity to offer some City services from the hub to add to the vibrancy of the centre and provide greater access for those residents in the south of our City.
Mayor Roberts said the City would soon host an open day for locals to provide feedback on what would benefit them.
“The open day will be a great chance for residents to tell us what they want to see and help the City decide on what kind of activities and services will be of most benefit,” she said.
The feedback gained from the open day will inform focused discussions with key stakeholders to refine development of the hub.
Thursday 18 May 2017 // 10am – 2pm
11 Patrick Court Girrawheen (behind the Library)
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