Local Anzac Day Ceremonies
Published Thursday, 23rd March 2017
Anzac Day is one of Australia's most important national occasions.

It is the day on which we remember all Australians who served and died in war and on operational service.
Students from schools in the City of Wanneroo will take part in Anzac Day services to be held at several locations on Tuesday 25 April.
Royal Australian Airforce Association WA Division (Inc) – Cambrai Memorial Village
- 6:00am - Dawn Service (everyone seated at 5:50am) followed by Gunfire Breakfast in the Cambrai Memorial Village Clubrooms (bookings for Gunfire Breakfast essential)
Enquiries and Gunfire Breakfast bookings: Maureen Farrell - 9304 5219
Quinns Rocks RSL Sub Branch
- 5:45am - Dawn Service, followed by gunfire breakfast
Enquiries: Peter Lofdahl - 9305 1303
Wanneroo RSL Sub Branch
- 5:45am - Dawn Service at Memorial Park
- 7:00am - Parade with gunfire breakfast to follow (gold coin donation)
Enquiries: Jack Le Cras - 9409 1014
Yanchep Two Rocks RSL Sub Branch
- 5:45am - Dawn Service followed by gunfire breakfast
- 11:00am - Meet for parade and service
- 11:30am - Parade starts at National Park
Enquiries: Malcolm Gow - 9561 2217
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