Discover Wanneroo to win a share of $3000
Published Monday, 13th March 2017
The City of Wanneroo’s annual photography competition has already attracted more than 350 entries showcasing the City at its most spectacular.

The Instagram-based competition, closing on 31 March 2017, is open to all residents and visitors to Wanneroo who have a love of photography and an eye for the amazing.
Entrants simply need to follow @cityofwanneroo on Instagram, post an image taken within the City’s boundaries using the hashtag #discoverwanneroo2017, and add a description or a hashtag saying where the photo was taken.
Photographers will be judged on their ability to capture the unique characteristics of the area. Images will also be assessed on their composition, focus, use of light, and creativity.
Entries to date have included picturesque beaches, amazing wildlife, wonderful bushland and historic buildings.
Prize categories for the competition are:
- Mayor's Choice - $500
- Most Likes - $500
- General:
Adult 1st - $500
Adult 2nd - $400
Adult 3rd - $350
Youth 1st - $350
Youth 2nd - $250
Youth 3rd - $150
Images submitted to the competition will be used in City of Wanneroo publications and promotions to help promote the City as a tourism destination.
More articles in the news archive.