Close the Gap Day - 16 March 2017
Published Thursday, 16th March 2017
National Close the Gap Day is held annually to raise awareness about the health and life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities in Australia.

By raising awareness about the inequalities that exist within our communities, we can work together to ‘Close the Gap.’
Although most Australians are privileged to enjoy one of the highest life expectancy rates of any country in the world, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples can expect to live up to 10-17 years less than non-Aboriginal Australians. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples also experience higher rates of preventable illness such as heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes.
To learn more about this initiative and how you can play a part in Closing the Gap, please follow the link below to Oxfam’s Close the Gap day webpage.
The City of Wanneroo is committed to working towards Reconciliation and improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. The City of Wanneroo offers many health and wellbeing programs and projects, including the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan. However we recognise that there are numerous barriers preventing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples from accessing and becoming involved with these programs.
If you are a member of an organisation, or an individual that is able to recognise these barriers and have suggestions about how we can work to better overcome them, please contact Gaya Surendorff at
Your contributions are greatly appreciated and provide us with information and support to further improve our delivery of health and wellbeing programs that are inclusive of all members of our community.
Click below to view programs and projects the City of Wanneroo has to offer:
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