City of Wanneroo leads the way online
Published Thursday, 16th February 2017
The City of Wanneroo is implementing additional online services to enable customers to connect with the City at a time and place that suits them.

This month the City launched a new service for residents and businesses to submit applications for development approval through the City’s online lodgement service.
Mayor Tracey Roberts said online services help improve customer experiences and are designed to improve accessibility to the City.
“Customers have the option to apply with ease in the comfort of their own home or anywhere using a computer or mobile device, depending on the application. “Lodging development applications online makes the process more streamlined and is anticipated to result in faster processing timeframes.
“We are also excited to announce that new residents are now able to request bins for their newly built property and in addition, all residents are now able to report a stolen or damaged bin online.
“The City is always looking at how we can benefit from new technologies to be more efficient and offer residents a more convenient process.”
Hard copies of development approvals will still be processed by the City, but online lodgement is an alternative option.
Other online services available:
- Street and verge bond applications can be applied and paid for online which enhances the customer journey and ensures local laws are complied with.
- Food business registrations and notifications. An easy lodgement system is now available for new food premises, purchasing an existing food business, or a food business registered outside the City but wanting to trade at approved events within the City.
- Residential building applications, sign license and demolition permits can be submitted via a new online lodgement portal which has been designed to be user-friendly.
To access the City’s online services, click below.
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