Hive Law is bees' knees, say farm lobby
Published Tuesday, 17th January 2017
The WA Farmers Federation has lauded the City of Wanneroo’s new bee keeping law that allows people in residential zones to keep up to two hives in their backyard.

“We hope that a number of other local Councils look at the initiative the City of Wanneroo has taken, and make changes to their existing apiary restrictions,” the Federation said in its submission on the draft law.
The Bee Keeping Local Law was approved at Council’s December meeting following two extensive periods of public consultation.
Mayor Tracey Roberts said that while residents did not require a permit there were common sense provisions to keeping bees.
“Before putting bee hives on their property residents have to notify, in writing, their adjoining neighbours, as well as keeping the hives at least five metres from any boundary.
“Similarly they must keep the hives at least 10 metres from any thoroughfare such as a footpath or parkland,” she said.
People wishing to become hobbyist apiarists are reminded that by law they must firstly register with the Department of Agriculture and Food WA (DAFWA), which then provides a hive identifier with the Certificate of Registration.
The registration of bee hives helps DAFWA in the control of pests and diseases, and also to notify hive owners of emerging threats.
There are almost 1,000 registered beekeepers in WA with a combined total of nearly 29,000 hives.
The DAFWA website has extensive information sheets, aimed at small landholders, for the keeping of bees. A constant and clean water supply, kept close to the hives, is an important tip in stopping bees becoming a nuisance to neighbours.
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