Calling for community representatives for Multicultural Advisory Group
Published Wednesday, 11th January 2017
The City of Wanneroo is establishing a Multicultural Advisory Group to support anprovide advice on issues pertaining to the culturally and linguistically diverse community.

The City of Wanneroo is establishing a Multicultural Advisory Group to support, provide advice and implement actions, where appropriate, on issues pertaining to the culturally and linguistically diverse community (CaLD).
The group will have the opportunity to:
• Provide feedback and advice on multicultural strategies and implementation actions;
• Broadly engage and communicate the views of the wider CaLD community in the City of Wanneroo;
• Comment on multicultural issues and opportunities within the City; and
• Provide advice regarding strategies for the City's effective engagement and collaboration with community, including advice on culturally appropriate and/or inclusion practices.
To nominate your interest you will need to be a:
• CaLD community leader representing individuals who differ according to religion, race, language and ethnicity, except those whose ancestry is Anglo Saxon, Anglo Celtic, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; or
• Agency / organisations who support community members within the CaLD community.
The group will be finalised in early February 2017 for a first meeting in late February. The nomination form should be completed and returned by 5pm Monday 30 January 2017.
Completed nomination forms and all enquiries should be directed to Alina Hobson, Diversity Officer - Inclusion and CaLD, by email: or mail: Locked Bag 1, Wanneroo WA 6946 or phone: 9405 5918.
Mr Daniel Simms
Chief Executive Officer
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