Yanchep Active Open Space a step closer
Published Tuesday, 4th October 2016
Construction is underway on the eagerly-awaited Yanchep Active Open Space, with work starting on two full-sized sporting ovals.

The initial stage of the development is expected to be completed in the second half of 2017, and will include the two multi-use ovals catering for AFL, little athletics, rugby, soccer and
cricket, as well as hardcourts for netball and basketball.
There will also be passive recreation areas, pathways, park furniture, car park and drop-off facilities.
Construction of the sports pavilion is expected to begin in February 2017, which will include change-rooms, toilets, multi-purpose room, umpire facilities and storage areas.
Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the $7.35 million project was a major social infrastructure investment by the City of Wanneroo.
“Residents of our most northern suburbs have been looking forward to having this active open space for some time now, so it is wonderful that work is now underway,” she said.
“It is fantastic to see this important community facility beginning to take shape and to know that this time next year local sporting clubs will be using these playing fields is extremely
Throughout the development of the project the City engaged with key stakeholders, including Yanchep Little Athletics Club, Yanchep District Junior Football Club and the Yanchep Redhawks Football and Cricket Clubs.
Input provided by the clubs greatly informed the detailed design of the facilities, leading to strong community consensus on the final plans.
Construction of the access road (Marmion Avenue north of Yanchep Beach Road) and preparatory groundworks were completed earlier this year.
Environmental Industries was awarded the contract for construction of the playing fields.
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