Your Move scoops Parks and Leisure award
Published Thursday, 23rd June 2016
The City is delighted that its popular ‘Your Move’ program took out the award for Inclusive and Connected Communities at the Parks and Leisure Australia (PLA) 2016 Awards of Excellence.

‘Your Move’ – a State government initiative hosted in the City of Wanneroo in 2015 – was recognised at the PLA 2016 Awards for creating a more active and connected community by increasing active modes of transport and physical activity through phone support, and connecting people to existing services, parks and amenities.
Mayor Tracey Roberts said the award was well deserved.
“The City of Wanneroo is dedicated to creating healthy and connected communities,” Mayor Roberts said.
“By partnering with the departments of Sport and Recreation and Transport, the City was able to offer its residents access to a fantastic free personalised program to improve their fitness and increase their use of parks while also decreasing traffic congestion,” she said.
“More than 10,250 households in Wanneroo signed up for the program and I am delighted that the City has been recognised for its enthusiastic support of the program.”
The City was nominated for four different awards across two categories.
For more information about Your Move, visit yourmove.org.au.
- Your Move Wanneroo was funded by the departments of Transport and Sport and Recreation, supported by the City of Wanneroo and RAC and delivered with help from the Public Transport Authority, HBF, North Metropolitan Public Health Service, Heart Foundation, Nature Play WA, Bicycling WA and Diabetes WA.
- Parks and Leisure Australia (PLA) is the peak industry association for professionals working in the Parks and Leisure sector in Australia.
- PLA supports its 2,500 members to provide opportunities that strengthen communities through good use of leisure time for the social, environmental, economic and physical wellbeing of all Australians.
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