; Be BeachSAFE with Surf Life Saving WA - City of Wanneroo

Be BeachSAFE with Surf Life Saving WA

Published Monday, 8th December 2014

A suite of BeachSAFE programs are being offered to all schools within the City, teaching students the safest places to swim this summer and how to be BeachSAFE.

Surf Life Saving WA logo

Over the past two years, the City of Wanneroo and Surf Life Saving WA have been working together in completing a substantial review of coastal aquatic risk and safety signage in the City of Wanneroo. This work has been undertaken in recognition of the growing urban development along the City's coast, resulting increased beach usage and the inherent risk associated with coastal aquatic activity. It is hoped that the outcomes this work will has also reverse the recent trend of drowning deaths within the City.

As a part of this response, Surf Life Saving WA has developed the City of Wanneroo BeachSAFE program to increase the community's awareness of aquatic safety and to reverse this tragic drowning trend. 

Through education and awareness programs, SLSWA aims to deliver the four BeachSAFE principles of; Supervision, Aquatic Education, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness to everyone within the City of Wanneroo. 

A suite of BeachSAFE programs are being offered to all schools within the City, teaching students the safest places to swim this summer and how to be BeachSAFE.

In addition, SLSWA will be conducting BeachSAFE programs for the broader City of Wanneroo community. This includes two new locations for the SurfBabies and SurfKids program (Yanchep Lagoon and Quinns Beach) in summer 2015, and new local venues for public First Aid courses.

More articles in the news archive.