Thinking Ahead: Have your say on the City’s future
Published Thursday, 7th April 2016
The City of Wanneroo is calling on residents to help shape its future by getting involved and reviewing the City’s Strategic Community Plan.

The 10-year Strategic Community Plan sets out the Council’s long term vision and priorities for the future and was developed in 2012 following extensive community consultation.
Mayor Tracey Roberts said the City was reviewing the plan to determine whether the community priorities identified in 2012 were still relevant today.
“Our City continues to grow at an incredible rate, expanding by more than 8,000 new residents each year,” Mayor Roberts said.
“As one of Australia’s fastest growing local authorities, it is absolutely critical that we carefully plan to sustainably deliver the infrastructure, programs and services that our growing community needs.
“In 2012, we listened to our community who told us that the City should focus its efforts on the environment, economy, social aspects and effective governance – and we did.
“However, priorities can change over time, so we invite all residents to review the current plan and provide us with their opinion on what is still relevant and importantly, what is missing.”
“Ultimately, community feedback is very important and will help to shape the City’s future,” Mayor Roberts said.
People can have their say by completing the Thinking Ahead online survey via the City’s website
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