City of Wanneroo helps move Yanchep kangaroos to safety
Published Monday, 4th April 2016
City of Wanneroo staff are working in collaboration with volunteers from the Northern Valley Wildlife Support Group to move displaced kangaroos in Yanchep.

Around 30 kangaroos have been shepherded safely out of St Andrews residential area and into the Sun City Country Club.
The exercise came in response to community concerns about the kangaroos after the erection of a fence at the privately owned country club prevented them from entering the golf course where they have congregated in large numbers over many years.
Mayor Tracey Roberts said the City understood and shared residents’ concerns about public safety and the welfare of the traumatised kangaroos.
The City of Wanneroo is stepping in to help, irrespective of the fact that the City is responsible only for the management of kangaroos on Council-owned land.
However, more needs to be done and the City will continue to advocate strongly for other relevant organisations to implement their own measures.
“It is very important that all parties work together to resolve this unfortunate situation that, according to the local community, has been worsening over the years,” Mayor Roberts said.
"We will continue to work closely with the Northern Valley Wildlife Support Group and local residents.”
The City of Wanneroo has also initiated regular contact with DPaW and Sun City Country Club management to encourage an effective and permanent solution.
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