; Barrows of books - City of Wanneroo

Barrows of books

Published Thursday, 20th November 2014

Something is happening in the Wanneroo Town Centre – barrows of books and herbs. If the rumours on the street are right, it is something we are going to see more frequently.

Barrows of books image

City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the cute little red barrows of books, where you can take a free book or leave a finished book, were a great idea.

"This is a fun addition to the Wanneroo Town Centre and very appropriately placed in front of the Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre," she said. 

"I have already seen people taking books and I will be adding some myself. 

"These types of initiatives enrich the experience for visitors and the Wanneroo Town Centre will soon be commencing an action plan that has a similar placemaking approach. 

"Placemaking creates spaces that are community led and capitalises on the area's assets, inspiration and potential. 

"I commend any activity that helps achieve this, as the creation of good public spaces promotes people's health, happiness and well being.

"Our Wanneroo Town Centre will become more vibrant, as additional placemaking activities evolve and take place." 

If your community group, organisation, or business would like to be involved in a similar initiative, or you would like to find out more about placemaking, you can contact the City of Wanneroo for advice and support. 

For more information and updates, visit the City's website or Facebook page

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