; Bulk junk waste collection service apology - City of Wanneroo

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Bulk junk waste collection service apology

Published Wednesday, 13th November 2024

Earlier this year, the City transitioned from an annual scheduled bulk junk and greens waste collection service to a bookable bulk junk and greens waste collection service.

Household junk outside a house on the verge for collection

Find out more about our new service.

As a result of this transition properties in Alexander Heights, Girrawheen, Koondoola and parts of Marangaroo did not receive a scheduled bulk junk collection in the 2023/24 financial year (scheduled 2023/24 bulk green collections were not affected).

The City apologises for the inconvenience caused and will reimburse affected property owners for the missed collection and provide an extra bulk junk waste collection service to affected property owners on top of the annual bulk junk and greens waste collection service entitlements available for all City ratepayers.

Affected property owners can expect to receive a letter by post during November 2024 with details of their reimbursement and how to book an extra collection. Current property owners will have the reimbursement automatically applied on their next rates notice and are not required to do anything for this to occur. Alternatively, those affected can request to receive a refund instead of a rates adjustment reimbursement by completing a refund request form.

People who previously owned a property in Alexander Heights, Koondoola, Girrawheen and parts of Marangaroo between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 but have since sold may also be eligible for reimbursement and are encouraged to contact the City on 9405 5000 or complete a refund request form.

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