; Call for State Government to support upgraded Wanneroo motorsport precinct - City of Wanneroo

Call for State Government to support upgraded Wanneroo motorsport precinct

Published Wednesday, 19th June 2024

As the State Government looks to establish Burswood as a premier motorsport tourism destination, the need to upgrade the Wanneroo Raceway has never been more pressing.

A V8 supercar on the Wanneroo Raceway track

When considering plans for Burswood, we urge the State Government to recognise the vital role the Wanneroo Raceway plays in Western Australia’s motorsport ecosystem and to support its comprehensive upgrade.

The Wanneroo Raceway has long been a cornerstone of motorsport in WA, hosting a variety of local and national events that attract thousands of motorsport enthusiasts and generate significant economic benefits. However, to fully realise its potential and contribute effectively to the State’s ambitious plans for Burswood, substantial improvements are necessary.

The Raceway has hosted WA Supercars rounds since 1973, with last year’s event drawing 30,000 motorsport fans to the venue across three days.

Mayor Linda Aitken said Council’s comprehensive masterplan to guide the redevelopment of a northern suburbs motorsport precinct encompassed a drift track, 4WD training and mountain biking, as well as other family friendly visitor attractions the community from near and far could enjoy.

“An upgraded Wanneroo motorsport precinct will enhance the quality and safety of our facilities and increase our capacity to host larger, more prestigious events,” she said.

“This, in turn, will boost local tourism, create jobs, and foster community engagement.

“The synergy between a world-class Burswood motorsport tourism destination and an upgraded Wanneroo precinct will position WA as a leading motorsport hub in the region.

“We urge the State Government to allocate the necessary resources and support to ensure the Wanneroo motorsport precinct can complement the development of Burswood.

“Together, these initiatives will drive significant economic growth, enhance our international reputation, and provide a lasting legacy for motorsport enthusiasts in WA.”

Download the Wanneroo Raceway Masterplan

Click the image below to view a concept plan:

Concept plan for the Wanneroo Raceway


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