; Notice of Proposal to Make a Local Law - Animals Local Law 2021 and Bee Keeping Amendment Local Law 2021 - City of Wanneroo

Notice of Proposal to Make a Local Law - Animals Local Law 2021 and Bee Keeping Amendment Local Law 2021

Published Monday, 21st June 2021

The City of Wanneroo is in the process of updating its local laws. It is intended to make a new Animals Local Law 2021 and a Bee Keeping Amendment Local 2021.

City of Wanneroo Civic Centre


The purpose of the proposed Animals Local Law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of the keeping of large animals, poultry and pigeons within the City of Wanneroo district. 

The effect is to establish the requirements with which owners and occupiers of land within the City of Wanneroo district must comply in order to keep domestic animals such as large animals, poultry and pigeons and provides the means of enforcing the local law.


The purpose of the proposed Bee Keeping Amendment Local Law is to amend the City of Wanneroo Bee Keeping Local Law 2016. 

The effect is to correct a drafting anomaly to provide that all persons in the City of Wanneroo district who keep bees must be a registered Beekeeper if required by the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013.


Submissions about the proposed laws (marked for the attention of Governance) can be emailed to enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au, mailed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Wanneroo, Locked Bag 1 WANNEROO  WA  6946 or made in person at the City of Wanneroo Civic Centre, 23 Dundebar Road Wanneroo by 4.00pm on Wednesday, 11 August 2021.

Proposed Animals Local Law 2021

Proposed Bee Keeping Amendment Local Law

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