Aquamotion welcomes back regulars following reopening
Published Wednesday, 20th May 2020
Following the State Government’s announcement of its COVID-19 Roadmap to Recovery, the City of Wanneroo has opened the doors to its indoor fitness and leisure centre Aquamotion.

From this week, users will be able to access indoor aquatics, hydrotherapy sessions and group fitness classes, with minimal casual use of the pool available.
Users will be required to pre-book services in hourly blocks to ensure the facility adheres to social distancing requirements and patronage limits.
The indoor aquatics and group fitness classes will be limited to 20 people, while the indoor hydrotherapy pool will be limited to a maximum of 10 people. For all programs, the patronage limits include spectators as well as participants.
In line with State Government advice, the gym, crèche, spa and sauna, and changing rooms will remain closed at this time.
Due to reduced services, memberships will remain suspended and casual fees will apply, with discounted rates for members.
Members are urged to check their emails for recent communications regarding the reopening.
More information about the available Aquamotion services, the winter timetable and applicable rates are available on at, by calling 9405 5999 or emailing
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