Local traders encouraged to tuck into fast-tracked application process
Published Wednesday, 20th May 2020
Café owners and restaurateurs seeking to introduce alfresco dining options and expand their ability to uphold social distancing requirements can now benefit from a fast-tracked application process.

From Monday, phase two of Western Australia’s COVID-19 recovery roadmap came into effect; allowing traders to provide a dine-in meal service for up to 20 patrons, provided social distancing requirements are adhered to.
To accommodate the change in restrictions, City of Wanneroo is working to fast-track outdoor dining permit applications, making it quicker and easier to procure a permit for businesses that are planning on reopening.
City of Wanneroo Director Planning and Sustainability Mark Dickson encouraged cafe owners and restaurant operators seeking to expand or introduce alfresco dining to apply for a permit and benefit from the newly streamlined process.
“The gradual easing of restrictions means we can start to work with local cafes and restaurants on returning to trading,” Mr Dickson said.
“Provided they are not obstructing pedestrian access and fit the criteria regarding permanent structures, operators are encouraged to apply for an outdoor dining permit and begin trading from tables on a verge area.
“To help businesses get back to trading as soon as possible, our Health and Compliance team will be ensuring that applications are assessed within 48 hours of being received.”
Fast facts
Operators of restaurants/cafes who plan on starting outdoor (alfresco) dining:
- Are not required to submit a development approval, providing they are not building permanent structures and do not obstruct pedestrian access (based on Clause 78H exemptions of the Planning and Development Regulations 2015).
- The current exemptions from planning approval allow you to do so during the state of emergency response and continue to do so for up to 90 days after the end.
- The current rules are set out in the Notice of Exemption by the Minister for Planning and can be viewed at the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage website: www. dplh.wa.gov.au/notice-of-exemptions
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