Time to hit the books: Wanneroo Libraries reopen to eager readers
Published Tuesday, 19th May 2020
All City of Wanneroo libraries are now open to the public once again.

Following the latest advice issued by the State Government, the City of Wanneroo has today reopened its libraries in Wanneroo, Girrawheen, Clarkson and Two Rocks.
For the time being, opening hours will be limited to 9am-5.30pm on weekdays, with the Call and Collect library book service to continue for those patrons who would still prefer not to come into the library.
Admittance is also limited in keeping with current social distancing guidelines, with only 20 people at a time permitted at Wanneroo, Two Rocks and Clarkson libraries, and 15 people at Girrawheen Library.
Borrowing books can be completed via self-check terminals. Public computers can be booked for one-hour slots only, and will be cleaned after each user; patrons must maintain social distancing at all times. Printing services will also be available.
Regular programs and activities for children and families – such as the weekly ‘It’s All About Stories’ sessions – are not being reintroduced at this time.
Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said library staff were excited to reopen the doors and that it was important everybody adhered to the strict guidelines outlined by the Department of Health.
“We are looking forward to welcoming avid readers back to our libraries,” she said.
“However, I would encourage any residents with safety concerns at this time to make use of the recently introduced ‘Call and Collect’ service, which offers contactless pick-up of curated book bundles.”
For more information on how other City of Wanneroo services are affected by the current health and safety guidelines, head to www.wanneroo.wa.gov.au/covid-19.
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