City services and facilities phase two reopening update
Published Wednesday, 13th May 2020
In line with Phase 2 of the State Government’s COVID Recovery Roadmap, the City of Wanneroo is currently preparing to re-open a number of programs and facilities.

To ensure the health and safety of patrons and employees, the City will be adhering to all advice, regulations and requirements mandated by the State Government.
Pending the availability of the State Government’s COVID Safety Plan, the City anticipates partially re-opening the following facilities and programs after Monday 18 May:
- All City of Wanneroo libraries
- Wanneroo Aquamotion – 1x indoor swimming pool and group fitness classes
- Capacity limitations apply to all facilities
- Community Centres and Youth Centres that can accommodate 4sqm per person requirements
- City of Wanneroo playing fields – for non-contact sports only and for a maximum of 20 persons.
The City is ready to re-open, but is unable to advise the community on the details of re-opening until further State Government advice is received.
Upon receipt of the State Government’s COVID Safety Plan, the City will require three business days to complete these plans and finalise preparations for opening its services and facilities.
The City will share re-opening details with the community as soon they become available through the City’s website, social media channels and in the Wanneroo Times.
Please note, many facilities will remain closed until further notice, following State Government advice, including:
- Skate parks and playgrounds
- Indoor sports centres, including Kingsway Indoor Stadium
- Art Gallery, Museum and heritage houses, including Cockman and Buckingham House
- Gyms.
Please check the City’s COVID-19 webpage for the latest information.
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