; Streetscape service review - City of Wanneroo

Streetscape service review

Service Review – Manage and Maintain Streetscapes

In 2023, the City undertook a Service Review of its streetscape and verge management and maintenance policies and practises. The review was undertaken to enable consistent and improved streetscape maintenance services across the City, and to ensure the City and our residents are prepared for impending reductions to water allocation.

Council endorsed this review at the February 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting.

Key recommendations 

The review resulted in several key recommendations:

  • Implement a consistent approach to residential verge management in line with the Local Law, where residents are responsible for the maintenance of the verge adjacent to their property.
  • Increase the minimum service level for streetscape management to ensure all City streets are maintained at least 17 times per year.
  • Provide increased services in areas including pedestrian access ways, priority zones in town centres and rural slashing.

Once implemented, these recommendations will allow the City to maximise streetscape maintenance services throughout town centres and neighbourhood hubs, manage impending reductions to water allocation, and put a focus on safety and consistency.

What does this mean for my verge? 

If your house has a standard attached verge, you are responsible for the maintenance of your verge. This includes landscaping, watering grass and pruning plants and shrubs to ensure they don’t obstruct sight lines.

The following diagram shows a typical attached verge.

Diagram showing example of attached verge.

If your house has a disconnected verge, it may form part of the City’s standard streetscape maintenance schedule and will be maintained by the City.

Disconnected verges are separated from lots via elevation, dual access paths and/or retaining walls.

The following diagram shows a typical disconnected verge.

Image of example of disconnected verge

As part of this new approach to streetscape maintenance, the Parks and Conservation Management team will be assessing a large number of residential verges across the City over the coming months.

If you have any questions about how this process affects your property, please contact the City on (08) 9405 5000 or enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au