; East Wanneroo Place-Led Approach - City of Wanneroo

Variation to Prohibited Burning Period - Extended 1 April - 14 April 2025

Due to seasonal conditions, the City of Wanneroo has extended its Prohibited Burning Period until 14 April 2025 inclusive. No Permits to burn will be issued prior to this date.


East Wanneroo Place-Led Approach

The East Wanneroo District Structure Plan sets a high level planning framework for the urbanisation of the entire DSP area. 

The City has developed materials to support a place-led approach to the urbanisation of East Wanneroo.  This will ensure that the history and heritage of East Wanneroo will be properly considered as the area urbanises. 

This place led approach includes:

  • Implementation of the recently endorsed local planning policy 5.3: East Wanneroo which guides the development of individual precincts to ensure cohesion throughout the district structure plan area.  This local planning policy addresses matters including road design, landscaping elements, street trees, design of public open space, public art – elements that help to tie the community together. The policy can be found by clicking below:
  • Implementation of the recently endorsed district Sense of Place Statement.  The district statement looks at the entire district structure plan area to collate important heritage, cultural, environmental and historical information into one document.  The district Sense of Place Statement can be found in Appendix 1 of the policy.  The district Sense of Place Statement was prepared in collaboration with the East Wanneroo Community Reference Group in an approach to capture and protect sense of place aspirations for the East Wanneroo area. 
  • Preparation of precinct Sense of Place Statements by development proponents.  This precinct statement will draw from the district statement, looking at the individual precinct in more detail.  It will outline how these important elements have influenced the design of the local structure plan.

Detailed planning of the district is currently underway through local structure planning processes.  As the Local Planning Policy and complementary district Sense of Place Statement has now been endorsed their implementation will occur through as part of local structure planning processes in East Wanneroo.  There will be opportunities for community to provide comment and feedback on local structure plans in East Wanneroo on the City's Your Say page.