; Hazard reduction burning - City of Wanneroo

Hazard reduction burning

The City has entered into the Prohibited Burning period from 1 December to 31 March. Burning is NOT allowed.

As the weather heats up, so does the risk of fire. As a result, controls are put in place to manage burning throughout these periods.

Burning period dates

  • Prohibited burning - 1 December to 5th May.
  • Restricted burning - 1 April to 31 May, 14 September to 30 November (Permits required).
  • Unrestricted - 1 June to 14 September, please take care and be safe.

The City of Wanneroo may need to vary burning periods due to weather conditions. Period variations will be advertised on the City website, Facebook page and through the City's SMS notification service.


What types of burning are impacted?

Garden refuse

Burning of garden refuse is not permitted during the prohibited burning period. It is also not permitted on days of high or above fire danger ratings or if a total fire ban or a harvest, hot works or vehicle movement ban is declared.

During the restricted burning period, garden refuse may be burned WITHOUT a permit provided:

  • The fire is lit between 6pm and 11pm and is completely extinguished before midnight of the same day.
  • The material must be on the ground, and be no more than 1 metre wide and 1 metre high.
  • There is no flammable material (other than that being burned) within 5 metres of the fire at any time.
  • At least one able-bodied person is present at the site of the fire at all times until it is completely extinguished by the application of water.
  • Only one heap may be burnt at any one time.
  • The Fire Danger Rating is not High, Extreme or Catastrophic, nor has a Total Fire Ban been declared.
  • Your neighbours have been informed that you will be burning material.
  • A hose or spray pack is kept at hand to dampen down fierce fires.

Garden refuse may also be burnt WITHOUT a permit from 1 June to 14 September, and while there are no size or time restrictions when burning during this period, we recommend you contact your neighbours and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services on (08) 9395 9209 or (08) 9395 9210.

Cooking and firepits

During the prohibited burning period, lighting fires in the open air is not permitted.  However, the following exemptions apply so long as there is a 3m clearing of all bush and inflammable material around the site: 

  • Pizza ovens fitted with a spark arrestor; and
  • Purpose built solid fuel BBQs (barbeques) such a Webbers
  • Lighting fires for the purpose of camping or cooking

These exemptions are not valid if the fire danger rating is high or above, or if a total fire ban or harvest, hot works and vehicle movement ban has been declared.  

A firepit is permitted WITHOUT a permit during the restricted burning period, ensuring the following is adhered to:

  • The fire is lit between 6pm and 11pm, and is completely extinguished before midnight of the same day.
  • The firepit must be no more than 1 metre wide and 1 metre high. Fires over this size will require a fire permit during the restricted burning periods.
  • Only one firepit may be burnt at any one time.  If more than one firepit is being used at any one time a fire permit is required.
  • Strong wind warnings issued by the Bureau of Meteorology must be taken into account to ensure the fire does not cause excessive smoke.

In the event of high or above fire danger ratings, a total fire ban, or a harvest, hot works or vehicle movement ban being declared, none of the above are permitted.


Burning permits

The City has entered into the Prohibited Burning period from 1 December to 31 March. Burning is NOT allowed.

The online process is monitored weekdays during business hours and a permit may take up to four business days to approve.

Alternatively, you can apply in person at the Wanneroo Civic Centre located at 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo (weekdays between 8:30am and 5pm).

When you submit an online application for a fire permit, approval requirements will depend on the conditions of your burn. Most fire permits will be approved and emailed to you automatically if the burn area is smaller than 30sq metres and does not involve running fire or additional equipment. For larger, more complicated burns, a Fire Control Officer will review your request, and once approved, will email you a signed copy of your permit. Once you have received your signed copy, you will then be able to begin your burning as per your permit conditions.

For further information and guidelines on planning and implementing planned burns on your property, please visit Burn Smart on the Department of Fire and Emergency Services website.


Prescribed burning

Prescribed bushland burning significantly reduces the amount of ground vegetation (fuel) that acts as a fire hazard during our summer months. Prescribed burning also helps maintain our natural bushland’s biodiversity.

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services website has valuable information on why you should do planned burns and how to conduct a planned burn.

Planned prescribed burns 2025

Please note that the burns listed below as postponed were due to weather conditions and other factors beyond the City's control. These burns will be rescheduled after the prohibited burning period. In the meantime, the City is exploring other mitigation methods, such as tree pruning, weed control and other mechanical works to help reduce the fuel loads in these parks.

Suburb Reserve Name Address Progress
Alexander Heights Highview Park 7 Highview Street  
Alkimos Merchant Park 1 Merchant Way  
Ashby Ashby Operation Centre 1204 Wanneroo Road  
Banksia Grove Boomerang Park 50 Boomerang Loop  
Banksia Grove Discovery Park 2K Botanic Avenue  
Banksia Grove Honeypossum Park 149 Grandis Boulevard  
Carabooda Bernard Park 3036 Wanneroo Road  
Carabooda Carabooda Quarry 2945 Wanneroo Road  
Carramar Tranquil Park 50 Tranquil Drive  
Darch Landsdale Park 120 Landsdale Road  
Darch Appleby Park 37 Appleby Drive  
Gnangara Lake Gnangara 660 Alexander Drive  
Girrawheen Montrose 40 Montrose Avenue  
Marangaroo Chancellor Park 8 Aylesford Drive  
Mindarie Mindarie Foreshore 34 Long Beach Promenade  
Neerabup Viridian Park 99 Viridian Drive  
Tapping Spring Park 80 Spring Hill  
Two Rocks Harvest Park 130 Harvest Circle  
Wanneroo Lake Badgerup 299 Benmuni Road  
Wanneroo Belgrade Park 92 Belgrade Road  

Bush Fire Brigades assistance

Use the form below to request a hazard reduction burn by the Bush Fire Brigades on private property.

Request a hazard reduction burn

Please email completed forms to: cesmwanneroo@dfes.wa.gov.au

For any queries contact the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer on 0428 101 132.