; Eglinton - Heath Park new pavilion - City of Wanneroo

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Eglinton - Heath Park new pavilion

Status Project type Expected completion Budget
Construction Community facility Financial year 2024/2025 $6.3 million

Heath Park Pavilion concept image

Heath Park Pavilion concept image

Heath Park Pavilion construction progress

Heath Park Pavilion construction progress - October 2024

Heath Park is home to a range of sporting clubs including rugby, football and cricket.

The new pavilion will include:

  • Change, first aid and activity rooms.
  • Universal access toilets and showers.
  • Kitchens, kiosks and storage.

It will provide the community with an inclusive and accessible facility for all to enjoy.

Construction is now underway, and is scheduled for completion by mid-2025.


100 Heath Avenue, Eglinton.

Funding acknowledgements

  • Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries (DLGSC) - $710,000
  • Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP) - $1.97 million
  • City of Wanneroo - $3.57 million

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