Mindarie Foreshore & Kinsale Park Trail - Stop 4

The metal stake here identifies the location of a monitoring plot which was established following a fire in 2002 which burnt through the whole of Kinsale Park. The monitoring plot was set up to record the post fire recovery of the reserve.
Prior to the fire, an introduced species of Coastal Moort (Eucalyptus platypus) was planted extensively along the edges of Kinsale Park and sections of the foreshore reserve. Following the fire, hundreds of seedlings of this species were regenerating and taking over the native vegetation.
To assist with vegetation recovery, the City of Wanneroo with help from community volunteers undertook weed control, focusing on the removal of the Coastal Mort and the hundreds of its regenerating seedlings.
The presence of native plants that would be expected to be found in this location is a good sign that the management response and actions post-fire was effective.
Photo courtesy to the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc.