Mindarie Foreshore & Kinsale Park Trail - Stop 3

Gardens inspired by nature
Read below to find out which of the plants found in this bushland can be used to create a home garden that will support native birds and reduce your maintenance costs.
It can be difficult to establish a garden on sites exposed to salty winds and the harsh coastal environment. However, there are many plants that have adapted well to these conditions and can be used in home gardens to create an attractive and functional green space. While not many of the coastal plants produce large flowers, their foliage and forms provide a great variety to choose from.
Most of the coastal shrubs are maintained at low heights by the wind and formed into domes that can be further maintained in the garden by pruning. These plants can be grouped to accentuate their varied foliage and for greater impact.
There are also sedges that perform well in a garden, and provide a great alternative for many commonly used grassy plants used in gardens. Some like the fountain grass can escape from a garden and spread into bushland as a weed.
Examples of coastal plants suitable for home gardens
Medium to large shrubs - dark green foliage
- Spiridium globulosum
- Myoporum insulare
- Melaleuca huegelii (large white flowers)
- Calothamnus quadrifidus (red flowers)
Medium shrubs - green foliage
- Grevilea presisii (red flowers)
- Frankenia pauciflora (small white flowers all year round)
- Pimelea ferruginea (pink flowers)
- Scaevola crassifolia (light blue-purple flowers)
- Templetonia retusa (red flowers)
Small to medium shrubs – silver foliage
- Leucophyta brownii
- Olearia axillaris
- Ozothamnus cordatus
- Conostylis candicans (yellow flowers)
- Dianella revoluta var. divaricata (purple flowers)
- Lepidosperma gladiatum (sedge with large green leaves forming large clumps)
- Dryandra lindleyana
- Hemiandra pungens (purple flowers)
- Lechenaultia linaroides (yellow flowers)
Image: One-sided bottlebrush (Calothamnus quadrifidus)
Image: Conostylis sp.
Image: Yellow lechenaultia (Lechenaultia linaroides)
Image: Spider net grevillea (Grevillea preissii)
Image: Snake bush (Hemiandra pungens)
Image: Tangle daisy (Ozonanthus cordatus)
Image: Cockies tongues (Templetonia retusa)
Image: Coast sword-sedge (Lepidosperna gladiatum)
Image: Dianella revoluta var. divaricata
Image: Cushion bush (Leucophyta brownii)
For further coastal native plant information, please refer to the following:
- Dixon, K. (2011) Coastal Plants. A guide to the identification and restoration of plants of the Perth region. Cambridge Coastcare.
- Grow Local Plants – A guide to residents of Quinns Rocks, Mindarie, Clarkson, Merriwa, Ridgewood and Butler, brochure published by the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group. For your free copy contact the Quinns Rocks Environmental group. Email: quinnsenvirons@yahoo.com.au of via their Facebook page.