South Mindarie Trail - Stop 3. Monitoring of Coastal Processes.

Coastal Frontier
The seasonal changes in wind regime influence coastal processes through the generation of ocean waves and currents. Other factors that affect waves locally include swell waves from distant storms in the Southern Indian Ocean, severe waves caused by dissipating tropical cyclones and seas produced by the sea breeze (mp rogers & associates 2015).
The 2015 Coastal Vulnerability Study concluded that the section of the beach between this point and the Mindarie Marina was eroding since 1954. The study recommends that an erosion allowance for this area is -0.15m/yr. The study also found that the shoreline south of this spot has accreted by up to 0.4m/yr since 1954.
Date and Time: 24 May 2016, 1pm. Captured by Renata Zelinova. Photo courtesy to the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc.