; Mayor's Message - Annual Report 2015-2016 - Welcome - City of Wanneroo

Annual Report 2015-2016 - Welcome

Mayor's Message

Mayor Tracey Roberts

I am pleased to present the Annual Report 2015/16.

The City of Wanneroo is one of the largest growing local governments in Australia, increasing at a rate of 20 new residents each day. This incredible growth brings energy and diversity to our City.

The community-focussed budget for 2015/16 resulted in Council investing more than $81 million in critical infrastructure and facilities that will benefit not only the residents of today, but also those in the future.

For greater insight into the City of Wanneroo’s strategic position and operational priorities, this annual report should be read in conjunction with the City’s Strategic Community Plan 2013-2023 and Corporate Business Plan 2015/16-2018/19.

2015/16 Highlights

There have been many highlights throughout the year, including:

The City has also made progress on key projects, including:

  • construction of the Pearsall Hocking Community Centre
  • construction of sporting ovals and other amenities at Yanchep Active Open Space
  • design of new facilities at Kingsway Little Athletics Centre
  • renewal of park facilities throughout the City including playgrounds and sporting facilities
  • design of playground and community facilities for Quinns Mindarie Community Centre
  • design and construction of sports amenities at Hudson Park, Girrawheen
  • concept planning of the Southern Suburbs library at Kingsway
  • construction of the Warradale nature playground
  • landscape improvements to median strips throughout the City
  • reconstruction and rehabilitation works to Old Yanchep Road to improve road safety between Pederick Road and Wattle Avenue
  • construction of Salitage Park at Pearsall
  • construction of the Koondoola Community Centre


There are many challenges facing the City, but the current economic climate is certainly one of the most confronting. Western Australia has experienced slower economic growth and increased unemployment, which in turn has had an impact on the City of Wanneroo.

Such economic conditions reflect particularly challenging times in developing a responsible budget which provides residents with the services and facilities they need while also keeping rate increases at a minimum. This is made all the more difficult due to increasing tariffs and cost-shifting from state government to local governments.

The City is also faced with a number of environmental challenges with coastal erosion being a major issue along the City’s 32km length of coastline.

Communication and Community Engagement

The City is committed to fostering a culture of community engagement, providing residents and businesses with opportunities to be part of Council’s decision-making process. This is important as everything the City does impacts on the local community we serve.

Engagement is about developing a shared understanding, with Council listening to the community and the community learning about the various legal and budgetary factors that Council must consider when planning community facilities and services.

Community Health and Wellbeing Policy

The City’s Community Health and Wellbeing Policy provides a framework for the provision of services, facilities and opportunities that encourage healthy and active communities.

The City’s ‘Your Move’ initiative, in conjunction with the Departments of Transport and Sport and Recreation engaged with tens of thousands of community members to work towards a healthier lifestyle in relation to activity and transport options. It was fantastic to see so many community members involved with this health focussed project.


The City is committed to ensuring a healthy and sustainable natural and built environment.

We are consistently investigating ways to conserve water, reduce waste and generally operate in an environmentally friendly way. During 2015/16 the City continued its investment in sustainability by installing additional solar panels at Aquamotion, Clarkson Library and Kingsway Indoor Stadium. This will ensure that the City can maximise the amount of solar power generated at these high energy use community facilities.

Looking Ahead

Major new sporting, community and civic facilities are central to one of the City’s largest ever capital works programs, recently announced as part of the 2016/17 budget. The Wanneroo community will receive a massive $92 million boost, with $75.54 million in new funds coupled with the $16.8 million of works carried over from 2015/16.

Thank You

I extend a sincere thank you to the residents, community groups, local businesses and volunteers of the City of Wanneroo. Your contribution to our vibrant and diverse City is very much appreciated and by working together we all help to make it a wonderful place in which to live.

I would like to thank all of the Councillors for their support and commitment to the City over the past year. I would also like to thank our Chief Executive Officer, Mr Daniel Simms, his Executive Team and all the staff at the City of Wanneroo whom I affectionately refer to as “Team Wanneroo”.

Our City is full of potential and I am honoured to be part of a team that continues to work towards a better tomorrow for future generations.

Tracey Roberts JP