Student Citizenships

The City of Wanneroo annually presents a student citizenship award to individuals who have made a significant contribution to their school and local community.
Student eligibility
To be eligible for this award, students must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Be a resident of the City of Wanneroo.
- Attend a City of Wanneroo school.
- Be a student in Year 6 or Year 12.
- Have not previously received the same award.
When considering students for nomination, the following criteria should be applied:
- Have made a significant positive contribution to the local community.
- Have leadership qualities.
- Are active members of the local community.
- Are committed tp enhancing their local community.
Nominations of one male and one female student are encouraged. Single nominations are also accepted.
Students presented with a Student Citizenship Award in the 12 months preceding the Australia Day Awards and fulfilling the Charles Searson Australia Day Youth Award criteria, are automatically considered for the Australia Day Awards.
Nominations are invited from all schools within the City of Wanneroo. Please complete the online nomination form via the link below. Nominations must be received by Friday 20 September 2024.
Student Citizenship Award nomination form
Student Citizenship Award information sheet
For all enquiries, please contact the City of Wanneroo on (08) 9405 5000, or email: