; Libraries school holiday activities - School Holidays - City of Wanneroo

School Holidays

Libraries school holiday activities

Create Cartoon Characters with Mark Guthrie - ages 8+

Example of sketches

When: Various dates
Where: Various locations
Cost: FREE - registration essential

Locations and dates

  • Wanneroo Library - Wednesday 16 April // 10:30am to 12noon
  • Girrawheen Library - Wednesday 16 April // 1:30pm to 3pm
  • Clarkson Library - Tuesday 22 April // 10:30am to 12pm
  • Yanchep/Two Rocks Library - Tuesday 22 April // 1:30pm to 3pm

Join illustrator and cartoonist Mark Guthrie as he shows you how to create your own cartoon star and add it to a comic strip. It's a way to use your imagination and have fun.

You can keep creating comics after the session and entertain friends and family members. 


The Magic of Trees with Faerie Cara - ages 4+

Image of Faerie Cara

When: Various dates
Where: Various locations
Cost: FREE - registration essential

Locations and dates

  • Clarkson Library - Wednesday 23 April // 10:30am to 11:30am
  • Yanchep/Two Rocks - Wednesday 23 April // 1:30pm to 2:30pm
  • Wanneroo Library - Thursday 24 April // 10:30am to 11:30am
  • Yanchep/Two Rocks Library - Thursday 24 April // 1:30pm to 2:30pm

A Green Thumb Gathering for young children for the WA Tree Festival.

Join Eco Faerie Cara In our Western Australian Tree Festival celebrations for a magical workshop designed just for young children! This interactive session will delight little ones with lively music, fun storytelling, and a hands-on craft activity. Kids will learn about the wonders of trees and nature while tapping into their creativity. Don’t miss out on this enchanting experience.

All attendees will receive a seedling to plant or gift to help the greening of our suburbs.
