; Children and youth - City of Wanneroo

Notice of closure | Clarkson Library

Clarkson Library will be closed until further notice while the main doors are undergoing repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the work is completed.


Children and youth

Youth support services

If you are in need of information or support, there are many agencies that are out there for young people and parents.

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Youth centres

Youth Centre programs are drop-in programs run by experienced youth workers during school terms, unless otherwise advertised.

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School Holiday activities

Looking for something to do during the school holidays?  The City of Wanneroo offers a number of fun and exciting school holiday programs and activities for children of all ages. 

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Clarkson Youth Hub

The Clarkson Youth Hub has been designed as a welcoming space for young people to connect and access valuable services and programs.

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Level Up

The Level Up program equips young people, aged 14 to 24, with skills to improve their employment prospects, maximise personal growth, and develop their interests. 

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Constable Care Foundation

The City has partnered with Constable Care Foundation (CCF) to provide free Theatre in Education programs for all schools across the City to access. 

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Children's activities

Check out a range of activities for children.

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RYDE Driver Education Program

The RYDE program provides young people aged 16 to 25 years the opportunity to complete their supervised hours of driving with a volunteer driver. 

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Connect from home

The City of Wanneroo's YouTube page is home to hundreds of videos, packed full of creative ideas. 

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Find us on social media

To be kept up to date on anything childhood and youth related follow us: 


CoWYouth Instagram


Contact the childhood and youth team

Phone: 9405 5600
Email: youth.services@wanneroo.wa.gov.au

Information on Children and youth