; Aquamotion Challenge - City of Wanneroo

Notice of closure | Clarkson Library

Clarkson Library will be closed until further notice while the main doors are undergoing repairs. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while the work is completed.


Aquamotion Challenge

Banner image for Aquamotion Challenge

Get ready for the ultimate 6-week challenge with Wanneroo Aquamotion.

We are so excited to offer our first Aquamotion 6 Week Challenge starting Saturday 5 October 2024.

Now is the time to prioritise your health and fitness and become the best version of yourself. Over 6 weeks, you will focus on improving your fitness, increasing your strength and building better nutritional habits. With the guidance and support of our qualified trainers, you will end the 6 weeks feeling awesome!

The Challenge includes:

  • Gold Membership (gym, gym program, group fitness, pool, spa & sauna, free creche)
  • Exclusive bootcamps and classes (3x per week)
  • Goal Setting and Nutrition Workshop 
  • 2 Body Measurements (before and after) 
  • Free Starter Pack (includes shaker, towel, PT sessions and more)
  • Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing Workshop
  • Private Facebook group 

To help you crush your health and wellbeing goals Aquamotion will be running a goal setting and nutritional seminar. This will take place on Saturday 5 October at the start of the challenge. Here, you will have the opportunity to meet the other challenge participants and the Aquamotion team who will be with you every step of the way. 

All participants will be charged a flat rate of $45 per week for the duration of the challenge. If you are an existing Aquamotion member, your regular fees will be suspended suring the challenge. 

Register today!

Terms and Conditions 

  1. Existing members and new members will be charged a flat fee of $38.75 per week 
  2. Challenge open to members and non-members
  3. Direct debit or upfront payments available
  4. Must enrol for the duration of the challenge (6-weeks)
  5. No refunds will be approved unless extenuating circumstances apply and approved by the Team Leader Health and Fitness e.g. medical
  6. Existing members will have their regular subscription paused for the duration of the challenge