; Pool inspection booking - City of Wanneroo

Pool inspection booking

The City's Swimming Pool and Spa safety barrier inspection program aims to educate residents of the importance installing and maintaining a safety barrier to restrict access to a pool/spa by young children. Inspections are undertaken within a four (4) yearly cycle by the City’s Swimming Pool Inspectors in accordance with the requirements of the Building Regulations 2012 Part 8 Division 2 r.53.

A pool/spa safety barrier must comply at all times and it is the responsibility of owners that these are maintained. Click below to view a safety barrier information sheet and a checklist that identifies some common areas of non-compliance and has been developed to aid home owners/occupants in ensuring that their safety barrier is maintained.

Home pool/spa - Safety checklist

Swimming pool and spa safety barriers - Information sheet

Book a pool barrier inspection

Click below to select your suburb and book a pool barrier inspection. 

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