; Written planning advice - City of Wanneroo

Written planning advice

What is covered by this application?

An application for written planning advice covers any requests for written advice on specific planning related matters (includes current/previous land use information and planning letters for Motor Vehicle Repair businesses).

If an enquiry cannot be responded to within the scope of written planning advice, the City will inform you of alternatives to assist you obtain the information you require.

If we identify that your request is not about town planning matters, we will redirect it to the appropriate part of the City for a response and the application fee will be refunded.

Please note

The City’s website provides an interactive online mapping system which will show you zoning of a property. For residential properties, the applicable density code (R-Code) will be shown along with a range of other information. Our website also lists our Local Planning Policies and District Planning Scheme No. 2 which contain detailed information about land use permissibility and development standards.

If are looking for copies of plans or approvals of a property you own, please refer to the below links:

Online Lodgement - Copies of Plans

Hardcopy Lodgement - Copies of Plans Information Sheet & Application Form

If you are unsure whether the advice you require fits into the above criteria, please contact the City’s Approval Services on 9405 5000.

How to apply

The most efficient way to apply for written planning advice is via the City’s Online Lodgement Service.

Alternatively, you can also lodge an application by completing the application form below and submitting it to the City, either in person or by post.

Application for Written Planning Advice

What are the associated fees?

Refer to the City of Wanneroo’s Planning Fee Schedule.

Please note

While the property owner/s signature is not required at the time of lodgement, you may be requested after lodgement to provide a completed Owner Consent Form, depending on the nature of the information you have requested. 

Online Lodgement Service – Written Planning Advice